Monday, December 16, 2019

Does Intuition Really Take You There?

We’re going to make this the lead blogpost for a while.  Does Intuition really take you there?  And where is “there”.   I’m alluding specifically to travel in the Fifth Dimension to a parrellel universe.  Hopefully you won’t venture too far into the fifth dimension or you’re too “out there” and in the Twilight Zone.  We’re not talking of going to a land of talking mushrooms or (talking cheese- maybe) where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies or where outer space is filled with marmalade skies.  Hopefully we want to venture out only as far as the Orion Federation (who deny that they even ARE in the fifth dimension.  A place with Star Trek technology so that we techies will feel a little bit at home.  Let me speak clearly.  Last time we alluded briefly to the soul and psychic energy.  But “The Mind” might be a more helpful phrase.  Some call the Mind a place of Imagination but in John Lennon’s defense he used the word “Intuition”, which can mean “revealed knowledge” like the multi-universe theory of the Big Bang.  It’s knowledge that can’t be proven and never may be proven but it has “Objective reality” none the less.  I said that I was an objectivist, which is a shade different from an empiricist, which relies on scientific instruments to measure reality.  Nobody has measured psychic energy as we alluded to in our last blog.  But it takes some “force” that can’t be measured or calabrated to transverse the Fifth Dimension.  The Moody Blues once said “Thinking is the Best Way to Travel”.   I’ll tell you this.  Once you die don’t expect to suddenly have a lot of revealed knowledge about things that you don’t have now.  If you’re going to “figure it out”,  you better figure it out now.

Some of you have questions about our previous posting.  I’ve been picking up your vibes.  The first question is “Why not just use hyperspace to travel in like the old Asteroids game”.  The reason is because it’s dangerous.  You don’t know where you’re going to end up.  Hopefully you will stay within the fourth dimension.   As you may know, Time as we know it stops in hyper-space.  Travel is instantaneous both in Time and Distance.  As such this would be a more efficient way of travel than the warped space stuff we were talking about last time.  But your next question is even more to the point.  If we stay within the fourth dimension- - - as you know it’s the fourth dimension of our time line that gives our “Space” it’s unique qualities as “Our Universe”.  As such how can unformatted space EXIST in this Universe?  I don’t know the answer to that question.  I don’t know everything but maybe they’ll discover something.  Let me just say this about this “engineered space” that wasn’t a part of the Big Bang and is therefore not naturally occurring matter.  It’s almost as if God pulled off another Creation in 900 AD when the Romulans are said to have been given the knowledge of the cloaking device. 

On the TV yesterday there was this kid who talked about making robots that obey his commands and also Time Travel.   Any time I hear the phrase Time Travel I phase out because it’s impossible if you remain within the Fourth dimension of “Our Time”.   (It’s also a dating site)  I could give you an elementary analogy as to WHY time travel is intrinsically impossible but I’ll let you figure it out.  A bright five year old can figure it out.  It’s my job to give you the building blocks of reality and let you assemble it for yourselves.   For the benefit of you Ditto Heads in Rio Linda, California just remember- - fourth dimension means REALITY.  There is something reassuring about reality.  If it isn’t real, how can you appropriate it for use in your lives.   One time a year ago Karen drew a picture of a school bus and asked the class, “which way is this bus traveling, to the right or to the left”?  Our whole class was stumped because there didn’t appear to be any clues.  But then she said, “Come on; a bright five year old can figure this one out”.  Then it came to me.  There is no door on the bus so the bus had to be headed to the left. She commended me for my insight.   Jesus told dark parables he claims he didn’t want people to understand.  But any psychotherapist could figure out what they meant in nothing flat.  It does something like this: “Up with Gentiles;  down with Jews; them’s the only proper views”. 

Now it's fun with Geometry.  How many three D shapes can you think of?  First of all thereis your basic sphere or globe.  There is a tetraheden otherwise known as the carbon atom, which is kind of a cubic triangle.  There is the cylinder and, well there is a donut shape.  You can also do either solid or hallow shapes, I guess, and a prisom, which had a triangular top and bottom and rectangular sides.  There is the cone, of course, which looks like a triangle from the side and a circle from the top.  We have your basic cubic rectangle.  There is also the pyramid, and also the doubled pyramid, which if you draw it right, all six points touch an imaginary sphere.  A pyramid has eight sides drawn like this.  There is the Oreo sandwich pentagon and hexagon.  This one has rectangular sides and the top and bottom is either a pentagon or a hexigon, depending which you are drawing.  You can also raise a tent post and put a roof on the thing and also put a tent post on the bottom of each.  Here you would construct a roof in triangular segments.  There would be either five or six of them depending on which.   There are variations.  You could draw an "equator" and construct either five or six sides that slant in to the top of trapazoidal shape- - - and the top pannel would be either a pentagon or a hexigon.  You can do the same thing with the bottom.  There are two shapes that are too complicated to draw.  One is a duodecahedren, which is a twelve sided figure constructed entirely of pentagona, and they used to sell bank calendars like that.  Finally there is a soccer ball configuration that looks round but is a mixture of pentagons and hexigona all in the same spherical shape.   I don't even know how many faces such a structure has.  I've never counted them.  

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Will Inter-stellar Space Travel Ever Be Practical

You know, this whole space travel thing to Mars is more of a pipe dream than I thought.  I had this idea a while back that you could take all of the quarks out of the human body and whatever and it would leave “holes” in this energy mass that contains all of the relivant information about matter.  Baryons are combinations of three quarks and they are either protons or neutrons.  Electrons have no mass in the resting phase.  Even traveling at light speed electrons only have a minute mass.  Einstein has these theory that energy acquires mass as it approaches the speed of light.  My theory says we could have a “bank” of baryons at the destination point on Mars and that they would be like putting pegs in holes where they fit and they would all naturally arrange themselves in the energy plasma or whatever and the matter would reconstitute itself with solid mass.   Mind you this is the theory that I regarded as the more possible of the two I alluded to on the last blog.  Astronomy CafĂ© says this “binding force” is the key to the essence of matter as we know it.  But I have absolutely no idea how you would extract it.  One time when “Q” lost his powers, Mr. Data stuck up for “Q” saying that he was being helpful in that he had offered good “theoretical” material that is helpful to know.  This form of energy that is transmitted along with light is limited to the speed of light.  This energy would include energy these scientists see emanating from the brain doing an M R I these days that can read your emotions by the portion of the brain that is lit up.  But this is not your psychic essence and we’ll come to that one later.  This form of brain energy is measurable with scientific instruments.  Physic essence is not.   You could get to Mars in twenty minutes, which is a hell of a lot better than seven or eight months, which it has taken to get to Mars since 1965.

Both Lindsay Graham and Mitch Mc Connell are bragging how closely they will be working with the President and his council.  This seems just a shade unethical.  I thought the “Jury” in a trial was supposed to be impartial and not have made up their mind.  If a jury has made up his mind, this is grounds for dismissal.  And yet Lindsay Graham brags how he hoped this thing will die quickly and the whole Senate trial will be concluded by Martin Luther King’s birthday.  At first I thought they said Washington’s birthday.  But this way they will indeed have the trial wrapped up two weeks into the year.  Now they are bragging that they aren’t going to call any witnesses.  This is strange.  A trial with no witnesses?  If they make this whole process too transparently bogus it would seem to me that it could constitute an issue the democrats could run on.  Trump can’t brag about an acquittal that is based on zero evidence either way. 

Faster than light space travel is born out of this idea of the Romulan cloaking device.  Now there is Dark Matter.  This matter neither reflects light or absorbs light.  Meaning that you can’t see it and it can’t see you.  The only way you know it’s there is the gravity, which remains in the dark matter.  They say that over half of the universe is dark matter.  But the desire is to go a step further and remove the gravity and disengage the matter from formatted space as we know it.  This can be done in theory because of a property I discovered in Sketch-up.  If you have four dots and one of them isn’t “co-plainier” with the other three, then the plane shape you want to see won’t materialize.  I happened to think, “I wonder if it’s that easy to make formatted space disappear”.   Just come up with a way to make off-kilter “warped” space and everything within its sphere of influence would also be “warped”.  Such “warped” matter would have no mass as it pertains to our universe but only unto itself.  As such it could travel in theory through our space and since it has no mass at all you would be free to accelerate it to the hilt.  Now even with normal mass it takes a year at a one G rate to achieve the speed of light.  That would be six months for two G or also if you accelerated at one G for two years you could achieve double the speed if light.  Such an object would exist; it would be outside our “event horizon” though.  Just to let Neil Savedra know- - - there would have to be faster than light speed if a Black Hole ever did enter our universe.  Einstein doubted this was even possible and his theories seem to preclude that eventually.  But also we know that the latest scientific calculations of the expanding universe suggest that portions of the Universe are ALREADY moving “faster than light”.  Neil Savedra loves to talk about an absolute limit on the speed of matter.  However I would remind him that it’s called the theory of relativity and not the theory of Absolutes.  If you were in such a craft the only stars that would be visible to you in your event horizon would be stars that were receding at the “edge” of the Universe.  (Someone still needs to explain “edge” to me)  Such “warp” technology seems possible if we got the technology from space aliens, who got it from a higher ;power, such as a Power like God who is outside our formatted space and therefore has the power to choose a point in non-formatted space.  There is a scripture that goes “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me”.   I refer to this “God” as Alcyonne, one of the seven sisters of the Pliades.  These seven young stars have been a source of curiosity to observers since ancient times, and I’m not entirely sure why.  I guess we’re left to wonder whether God has his own ”Prime Directive” where they don’t share technology to people who aren’t ready for it.  Chuck Smith died and he said that in heaven you have the power to travel through outer space and visit other planets.  So far I haven’t seem Chuck Smith flying around among the stars.  For all we know it’s something that may never happen.  There is no knowledge of it ever happening. 

I started out on burgundy but soon hit the harder stuff
Everybody said they’d stand behind me when the game got rough
But the joke was on me; there was nobody even there to bluff
I’m going back to New York City;  I do believe I’ve had enough

Yesterday at ten I went for snacks and had a three pack of lemon cookies and an iced tea.  Joe put on the Spin Doctors, which has some lively, zippy music.  But Joe didn’t like them because he said that every song sounded alike.  He left and a minute or so later Terry Hill pounded on the door.  He noticed that Joe’s and not Bill’s name was on the door.  Terry had tw big bags of beef jerky for us.  I told him I couldn’t eat it with all the new dental work I’ve had done, but Joe was grateful to get a bag.  Terry told me about the Christian tracts he’s been handing out and suggest I try my hand at writing Christian tracts.  I’m on the wrong side of the fence for that one.  Terry Hill talked about all the atheists who were dreadfully afraid on their death bed.   You may be afraid at the moment but then death comes and there’s nothing.  You don’t remember a thing- including being afraid.  We talked a little but then I said it was time to go down to the dining room.  Patty didn’t arrive till after Terry left.  Larry was there.  Fortunately Terry is a little less loud-mouth than he used to be so attracts less attention.  He left and I looked at my watch and saw I still had time for a cigarette before lunch.  We had turkey tetrazini for lunch, with tiny pieces of turkey in the pasta.  It was bland but  I drowned in mine with pepper taking the lid off and shaking it out.  I don’t remember the dessert.  These song lyrics you see could be about me, or use your imagination and come up with someone else.   

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trump Issues Executive Order Against Free Speech

Congress had a marathon session last evening but failed to arrive at a vote.  They had the vote at seven o clock in the morning during breakfast.  The vote was 23 ayes to 17 no’s.  This number was repeated throughout the morning just in case I got it wrong.  The republicans were arguing about having the vote this morning but I don’t know why.  Last night was bad for labor in the parliamentary elections in England.  The conservative party won big so that Boris Johnson will easily get reelected.  This is a bad thing and I’m not sure why it happened.  The pro Trump forces are strong in the world now just like they are in Brazil and other places.  I’d have been even more pessimistic in my latest posting if I knew that apparently Trump is leading all democrats in the key electoral states of Wisconsin, Michigan,  Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Trump is leading by ten points after being down to Biden by three points just a few weeks back.  I don’t know what the hell is going on but the Republicans are crowing like roosters over the prospect of winning a big acquittal in the Senate next month and being able to garner votes from it.  At some point I turned on Bill Handel on the news and had this Thomas guy on at nine who talked about the democratic candidates.  There is still no front runner.  There are still no votes cast.

I had heard the Christmas party was at eleven thirty.  At a quarter to eleven I heard from Phyllis that Joe just bought marijuana from Chewy and is probably high on it right now.  I would have liked to have smoked some.  I had these fears somehow with all of these Calvary pastors at the party that Trump’s name would come up and we’d all have to take loyalty oaths or something.  Patty said the room was filling up already at five to eleven and there was a lot of noise emanating from the upper room though I didn’t go down then.  But Paul called at ten after eleven and I asked, “Where are you?”  I was surprised to hear he was still at home and that he wasn’t ready yet.  I went in and reserved a seat for Paul.  Larry came over and sat two seats away from me and Paul and Larry got into a conversation.  The microphone needed EQ   because the treble was so shrieky both in feedback and vocal quality it would have been better, as Paul says, just not to use a microphone and shout louder.  We had roast beef austensively with brandy sauce, except my beef didn’t have any sauce on it.  There was gravy on the potato and the string bean casserole was good.  Actually Paul gave me his plate because I wasn’t served one when she made the rounds though she had others.  We had a dinner roll without butter.  We had carrot cake with icing for dessert.  Paul gave me half of his piece and Tao gave me about half of his also.  We had interesting punch, and coffee.  I was able to get seconds on coffee.  The Catholic lady spoke.  Then we had two guitars playing separately and the second one had a strange flute like thing.  Paul had to be at another party.  It wasn’t too far past twelve thirty when they were already clearing off the tables.  During this period Paul and I were up for charades.  I missed all of  the clues that Paul gave except for “Silent Night” an answer to the wrong clue.  Paul talked with one of the guitar players from Calvary West Gate or something in Garden Grove.  I introduced Paul to Brother Bart and he in turn bragged about our pathetic little group that attends the Bible study.  Soon Paul had to leave.  I was in the smoking area but hadn’t lit up yet because I knew Paul would be passing by, which he was.  Chris’s girlfriend is named Rosy.  I haven’t known many Roses in my life.  Most of them are in song.  Sylvia’s friend was named Rose.  The conversation meant nothing and I’ve had meaningless conversations with her before.  I watched Days of our Lives and Joe had JACK radio on the full time.  Eric and Sarah are going to Boston to get away from Zander, I suppose.  I can’t figure out her motive in dumping Zander so quickly.  

Donald Trump has issued an executive order saying that Jewishness is a nationality.  As such you can’t say anything bad about Israel or the government will cut off the funding to your university.  Liberal Jews are for free speech, even speech they disagree with.  So both the guest and the host were against this change in the 1964 civil rights bill, which said that no organization was entitled to funding if it practiced racial discrimination.  It’s ironic that Trump tolerates anti-Semites on so many other occasions, but he will come down hard on it in this case.    Certain news can be good news for us economically but bad news for us democrats and such an event occurred on Friday that I haven’t mentioned yet.  Yesterday it was announced that a deal was struck between the US and China not to raise terriffs on products imported from China this Sunday as planned.  What this means is that there will be no big boost in prices that might have stymied the economy and made it easier for Democrats to attack the president on the basis of economic news.  There is talk about negotiating things that China agrees to buy from us and also there is talk about doing something about theft of intellectual property done by China.   This is all good news.  One might say Trump has come to his senses on economic relations with China and maybe some of the terrifs already imposed on Chinese goods may be recinded.

We had a horrible burrito for dinner.  Fortunately the ample salsa covered up the flavor of it so you didn’t notice the pasty tastelessness of it so much.  We also had guacamole and an apple pie for dessert on the same plate.  Joe had CD number one of the “Blue Albium” that he was playing before dinner.  I left for dinner during “Hey Jude”.  I went to the store for cigarettes. 

I would like to mention the mystery of the four dots.  Picture four dots out in space in a realm where there is no gravity.  Now one of the dots is not “co plainier” meaning it is not lined up with the others.   But WHICH dot is it.  There is no way to tell because it all depends on how you “define the plain”.   Three points “define” a plane.  You know that.  Whichever way the plane goes is the dot that is odd man out.  And it could be any one of the four dots.  This is a true case of “relative morality” or acceptability or whatever other word you want to use.   Four points define a Volume.  But what if one of the four dots is not in our three-dimensional reality as we know it?  What if one of the dots is somewhere else in the fifth dimension?  This is just a mind blowing exercise because I hope to present a bunch of other material for you involving the hope of travel AT light speed and using “warp” power, vastly exceeding light speed.  One is definitely more possible than the other.  If you have one of those points in “unformatted space” a lot of things become possible that weren’t before.  But it may be scientifically impossible for us to ever get to “unformatted space”.  (Selah)  This space is also known as zero dimensional space or the space between the Universes created in the Big Bang.  There were a vast number of universes created in the big bang, but the number is definitely finite and not infinite, and a big enough computer could count them.  So there are unformatted spaces between the lines.  (Selah) 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

God's Moral Imperfections Are Irrelevant

.  Congress is doing their committee vote in the articles of impeachment today after last evening’s “mark-up session”, where modifications can be made.  I think any changes in the text would be minimal.  I’ve heard the articles are very well written as they are now.  The committee vote is said to be later today.  They want to get it done in such a hurry because there is right now a “smoking gun” and the gun is being reloaded and ready to fire for the 2020 election.  Giuliani made trips to Ukraine just last week and I guess he’s reported back to President Trump on the progress that’s being made on sabotaging the election.   They plan to stick to the full House vote being done next week. I was ahead of the learning curve saying the Republicans would not call any witnesses at the impeachment trial in the Senate in January.  They are trying to convince the President their best strategy is NOT to put on a defense.  After all the more witnesses the more media spectacle and also more opportunities for a purgery trap, which they are deathly afraid of.  Personally I’m voting for Joe Biden for President.  The reason is that Joe finally “grew a pair” after confronting that 82 year old retired farmer last week about Biden’s son.  Bloomberg despite all the commercials he’s run on television is only five percent in the polls.  The word now is that the Democrats are going to have a brokered convention next year because despite their being only four viable candidates that can poll over fifteen percent to get deligates,   The law for next year is that if you get fifteen percent you get deligates, which will make it harder for any candidate to pull a majority at the convention.  The last brokered convention was in 1952 with the democrats.  

I wanted to talk more about God and the question of, “Does God have moral imperfections?”   As I have said before, God is A-moral.  Even when God points out areas of disobedience in our lives, the morality is arbitrary.  But the question is do we have the right to judge God for his morality or the lack of it, and the answer is “No” we don’t.  We don’t have either the right or the ability to pass cosmic judgement on God.  We have the right to pass moral evaluations or judgements on our fellow man.  We have the right and I would say duty to pass moral evaluation on our esteemed President.  People use the expression of “You can go to Hell”.  Is this takingthe Lord’s name in vain?  I don’t think so because it’s just a colloquial expression,a figure of speech.  We don’t mean it literally.  It’s not a question of MAY I judge God so much as CAN I judge God.   God has the right to determine what his own Truth is and if you are an Abigail out there from Days of our Lives, you may be putting your very life in peril if you get too nosy about the wrong stuff and ask too many questions.  Nobody is going somehow “Unmask” God and reveal him to be a “fraud”.   (Save that for Trump and the anti impeachment  crowd)  As to the supremacy of Jesus, the book of Acts says that God raised Him to the supreme power at the right hand of God with all authority and power under heaven.  I don’t see how we as mere mortals can contradict this.  If you doubt me on this consider the following.  When it looks like you’re going to get into a major car wreck and somehow you escape and you and your car emerge without a scratch you say “Thank you, Jesus”.  You don’t  say “Thank you Buddha” or “Thank you Mohamed”.   We intuitively recognize the supremacy of Jesus. 

But I lack the physical ability to “turn myself into a Born Again Christian” because their karma is not my karma.  Jesus has the power to forgive sins, as we said previously.  This will clear your bad karma.  But I am still under the curse of my own bad karma.  I was under it the day before I got “saved” and the say after, also.  I also have a moral problem of personally profiting by the innocent suffering of another.  Here is where we can use a little impeachment logic.  It’s not necessary to carry through successfully with an evil act such as getting Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.  All that is necessary is to have the volitional attempt.  So I am “guilty” of the blood of Christ even though my own karma was never affected by the act of attempting to be a Born Again Christian.   Soren Kirkigard once wrote a book called “Fear and Trembling”  about the sacfrifice of Abraham’s son Isaac.  If ever there was a book I would ban from the public library this one is it.  This whole novel is “bad news” if you know what I mean.  You know we all profit from the suffering of others.  We buy products that were made by Thai or Malaysian ten year old children for pennies a day, and we think nothing of it.  So none of us are pure.  But there is another area of concern for me and that is this idea of being a krypto Christian.  We hear that “members of Caesar’s household’ were Christians.  We hear  that Nero’s concubine was a closet Christian.  We hear that Joseph of Arithmea was a closet Christian or at least we hear that he was on the council that condemned Jesus but that he disagreed with their decision.  This guy should have been out there protesting.  After all Time’s “Man of the Year” was a sixteen year old teenage girl with Asperger’s sydrone with no love life.  We have had a ten year old girl operate as point man in another case.  There is Karen Silkwood and the nuclear thing.  I believe in the adage that one brave man or woman can make a difference.  Yesterday morning I had a whole panorama of ideas laid out for today’s commentary and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a lot of them.  But the things mentioned here are enough sustenance to chew on a while. 

One moral failing of God I just can't pass is in the book of Job where God has a debate or some would say "temptation session" with Satan himself.  And God lost.  He let Satan dictate the terms on how he dealt with his servant Job.  It's none of Satan's business HOW God chooses to deal with his saints.  Satan has been thrown out of heaven and has no rights, at least austensively.  If you're going to go along with Satan's warped logic are you any better than Trump letting Putin dictate the terms of his relation with the United States.  God should have said "Get the hell out of here and keep your grubby hands off my saints!".  But he didn't do that.  Satan played to God's fears of "Maybe Job doesn't really love me".   If Satan can play to God's fears, how much easier would it be for Satan to play to our fears.  I fear being labeled Insane.  I will do anything to avoid that label.  There is another point I was going to make.  I don't believe God will ever ask us that violates our own morals.  For me if the deed involves a risk of being labeled Insane- - then I won't do it.  I won't kill an innocent child, either just to please a God for no other reason than "God wants more glory" and he thinks getting glory involves forcing me to do something that violates my moral scruples.  Once again I don't believe God asks this of us.  I don't think God wants me to be a martyr and pay with my life either to defend a Faith I don't believe in.   He would say "Well, have I asked you to be a martyr for me" and I would say "No" and He would say, "Well then, don't worry about it".  

Geometry can be interesting.  In BASIC you can do a "diamond ring" line drawing of a diamond based on the cross.  Who says the cross isn't good for something.  You connect up one line to the left and right and top and bottom to separate locations on the lines of the cross itself and you get a nice pattern.  Theories of the universe can get metaphysical.  For instance by metaphore people love to change representations of a three dimensional universe into a paper thin line.   Hence you have the soap bubble universe or the cylinder shaped universe or the donut shaped universe or a saddle shaped universe.  Or you can portray the universe as a single piece of typing paper.  Now all of these have some implied "fourth dimension" otherwise undefined where you can give "shape" to all of these designs.  Picture a piece of paper with a portion of it being written on with wet ink that hasn't dried yet.  Now fold the piece of paper over so that it touches the area where you just typed.  This will transfer the text of what you wrote onto the place where you folded the sheet over.  It's kind of a way of traveling vast distances while going only a milimeter or less.  At least this is the way the Dune people see it.  Interestingly all of these shapes - - - - maybe others like a cone -  - can all be produced graphically with a mathematical formula.  You've heard of linear equations forming interesting patterns based on a formula.  If you have an X and a Y and a Z axis, you have not linear equations but "plainear" equations based on not one but two unknowns.  I learned this in the Wolfram Alpha web site.  It's a good one but I haven't used it in over a year.   It will give you answers to problems where other web sites balk.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Articles of Impeachment Brought Forth

It was a little after six when the network news came on and they announced there would be two Articles of Impeachment.  One involved the abuse of power centering on the Ukrainian thing.  The other involved obstruction of congress.  They followed Nancy’s wishes and keptthe terms of impeachment narrow.  Jerry Nadler is the head of the judiciary committee and Adam Schiff is the head of  the intelligence committee.  Kevin Mc Carthy voiced the views of the opposition.  They will discuss the two articles of impeachment in the judiciary committee this week and next week before congress goes on recess on Friday the whole House  will vote on the articles of impeachment, and that will make it official.   I would compare what’s going on with the soap opera.  Gabriel Hernandez is like the Whore of Babylon and there is one person who could pull the rug right out from under her and blow up her world, but so far they have chosen not to do it.  There are people in Trump’s world in High Places that could yank the rug out from under President Trump, but they have chosen not to.  Trump wants to be the Whore of Babylon.  He wants to be the arbitor of both money and religious truth in the world.  Of course one of the most important people in High Places is God Himself.  And God, who’s decisions can’t be second guessed, has chosen to give Trump a pass on his many sins and signed off on Trump’s “ticket” so to speak, to a second term.  He and the Republicans are hoping for a repeat of 2016 where Trump wins a minority in the popular vote but those key electoral states save him just like they did last time, and what people like Ben Jerosky are saying will happen.  It’s hard to say what will happen in the senate “Trial”.  What we know is that it will be no “trial” for Trump any more than George Zimmerman had a “trial” as in “tryer of fact” in 2013.   It’s the democrats who will be placed on trial as speech after speech is made how “bogus”  all of the procedings are. 

I want to talk about “sin”.   The punishment for the vast majority of sins is temporal or temporary.  This is not what people are used to hearing.  What they assume that the penalty for sin no matter how slight, such as throwing a lit cigarette in the gutter- - - results in death because they point to the scripture “The wages of sin is death”.  I believe this is a poetic over-statement.  Punishments can run their course and then you have “paid” for your transgression.  But the Churchmen don’t want you to ever be free of the sin.  And they aren’t satisfied with mere death but have to introduce torture into their line of punishment saying you burn forever in the lake of fire.  Even Jesus said “Hell was made for the devil and his angels”.  If this is so why not just take him at his word.  Jesus wanted us to see that he had the power to forgive sins.  One of the flashiest ways of demonstrating that one is forgiven is to heal chronic illnesses because illness is the result of bad past karma.  People are plagued by bad karma in different ways.  For some it’s being unlucky in love.  For others it’s illness.  For other it’s an addiction.  I think it’s pretty much an inexerable teaching of the Bible that sin has some “manifestation” in this world.   People aren’t destined for leadership in this world without the permission of the Lord of this world.  You may be jinxed in your feelings of personal failure.  This is the result of bad karma.  It is my belief that you can’t “pray bad karma away”.  Consider yourself lucky if you are told what your bad karma is and what its manifestations are.   Don’t make the mistake of Baalem.  He’s the guy with the talking ass.  The message is “Don’t judge people cosmically because they appear to be getting away with transgressions”.  If God  isn’t “bothered” by these sins, then you shouldn’t be.  You can pray to “level their karma” but expect such prayers to fall flat and not be fulfilled.  Some are dreaming of a happy 2021.  We can hope for a new president.  But don’t count in it.  It all depends on how God is feeling at the time.  As Abraham Lincoln said long ago “It isn’t whether God is on our side” that relivant, but rather, are we on God’s side.  (Selah) 

This whole FBI investigation thing was a big disappointment for President Trump.  They did their report and found no political bias in going after Trump in 2016 by the FBI.  So the charges of the republicans are groundless.  There are some forty areas where the FBI needs to correct details in their FISA procedings.  The Republicans continue to repeat the accusation of the “deep state” that comprises the military, the CIA and the FBI.  If we didn’t know better we’d say these were accusations of some left-wing organization in the sixties.  Attorney General Barr wants to do another investigation of the FBI but I also hear that one is falling flat.  I thank God the media has finally come around to being on our side.   The right wing probably regards the national media as part of the “Deep State” also.  The first time I heard the phrase “Deep State” it was in Washington’s blog.  This is when I thought Washington’s Blog was left wing.  I soon got education on the subject and realize that the “Deep State” is the one thing that’s keeping us sane. 

Bob Dylan, who used to be a wise man, once said, "The high wire is for gamblers- - better use your sense.  Take what you have gathered from coincidence".   People guilty of wishful thinking love to see "patterns" in things that will somehow "bail them out" in the future.  It's a way of trying to overcome circumstances beyond your control.  In "The Fourth Turning" there is such a pattern described in eighty year cycles where every eighty years we have a major economic and social revolution in this country.  The last revolution was in 1933.  The problem is the previous era of "greed and rule by the economic giants" lasted between nine and thirteen years.  That's all.  This one has lasted since 1981 under Ronald Reagan.  That was nearly forty years ago.  Furthermore we are now some ninety years from 1929 with the last stock crash that brought down the rich.  I think we consider the whole premise of the book pretty much invalid at this point.  

I went down around nine o clock expecting to be taken to the doctor.  Joselyn finally got around to that at ten or more minutes after nine.  We looped around at Euclid and then doubled back to the building on Romnia.   I got there at 9:28.  It was less of a wait than usual.  Usually it’s 45 minutes.  Today I was in the examining room by about seven to ten.  My weight was identical to last time.  My blood pressure is still rather high as it is for this place at 140 over 87.  It’s still way better than last time.  I asked about my chest X ray and they said they wouldn’t have that because it isn’t a gastro-intestinal problem.   Dr Saran didn’t show up today.   I walked to that lady with a Swedish accent for an extended time as she thumbed through my files.  I gave her a summary of my health concerns for the past three months.  They want me to take another blood test because of my liver.  They will see me again in three months.  Dr Amin finally showed up and suggested again that I get a colonoscopy.  He also asked if I consulted a surgeon to have my gallbladder removed as was suggested last time.  I declined that suggestion once more.  I mentioned my cough but the response was “It’s the weather”.  Then they called Joselyn on her cell phone as I went first out for a cigarette and then spent time in the waiting room.  There was this one older woman in a wheel chair that howled like a dog.  I would rather have the dog.  Joselyn didn’t show up for 25 minutes or about twenty to eleven.

REMEDIAL MATH - Remember a while back when we talked about the geometry of four, five or six dimensional objects.  Perhaps some of you have doubts as to the voracity of my formula.  For you people hung up on that dimensional face stuff here is the key.  If you take four numbers like on an elevator arranged like a square and you connect all of the buttons you will have six combinations of two numbers each.  So how do we get eighteen?   Well, each of these basic combos has not one but two “opposites” to represent the two remaining dimensions not used in the first combos.  3 times 6 equals 18.  It’s just that simple.   For a four dimensional substance there would be four combinations or “volumes” of three dimensional spaces.  This would reflect which number you want to leave out.  I say this because for a six dimensional world were you to subdivide the space into three dimensional spaces it would comprise a lot more than just two volumes.  Triangulation is a big thing used in two dimensional “faces”.  There is a short form of this formula that goes the number you want to triangulate times one number higher, and then devide the answer by two.  It works every time.  The other way would be the way you do it in BASIC.   That would be A = 1 and X = 1 and then A = A + 1 and then X equals X plus A.   These commands have to be in the right sequence or you really get messed up.  The "God" show makes reference to the Golden Mean.  A figure used in art.  The number has some interesting mathematical properties. This is NOT dividing a rectangle and having the two halves be the same shape as the original.  That one is based on the square root of two.  You can use the square root of three or five to get more oblong shapes.  The square root of five is very close to the shape of a Wide Screen.  The Golden Mean is 1.618034 as defined as the default of BASIC.  The formula for the Golden Mean is A = B and B =  C and then C = A + B, and this also has to be in the right sequence.   “Choose 3” as a Google command is the “pyramidization” of numbers, which is a step beyond triangulation because it involves stacked cans like a pyramid in the store.  There was other math I was going to present but I sense in the psychic waves I’m beginning to bore you.  Math shouldn’t be boring.  One thing about math and algebra is that it’s a whole lot easier to do if you’re on the right track to begin with.  (Think about it)  Think logically.  

Monday, December 09, 2019

The Resurrection of President Trump

 This is Monday December 9, 2019 and they are holding impeachment hearings once more on the networks.   They began at six.  It doesn’t look very good for the impeachment crowd because they were pummeled with all manner of objections from the minority party calling the entire procedings a “sham”.  The word “sham” has been used countless times by the Republicans if you put all of the tape clips together.  I would liken this whole impeachment trial thing to the trial of Jesus Christ for alledged threats to public safety or whatever against Rome.  But there is no evidence per se except for one asked and answered question.  “Are you the son of God” and Jesus said “Yes, I am”.   Basically as the Republicans see it there is a fig leaf of a charged based on the content of one phone call July 25th of this past year.  None of the other conduct of the President seems to matter, either to the democrats or the republicans.  There are no witnesses showing up for President Trump.  The president doesn’t want them, any more than Jesus wanted witnesses to testify on his behalf denying that he was the son of God.  Such witnesses would ruin all of his plans.  For Trump the crucifixion is likened to his being impeached by the house and that the Senate symbolized his resurrection with the voters of America.  We can’t have any thing intervene to ruin his plans.  He needs to die quickly so he can go on and be resurrected so he can then gain power over the Church and thus rule the world.  This is what Trump wants; he wants to rule the world.   Some of the charges of Republicans are silly saying he wants to “overturn the vote of 63 million Americans”.  The last time I checked we were some three years into a Trump presidency.  The Republicans so on further to state that without this impeachment trial that the Democrats have no change of winning next year’s election despite the fact that in virtually every poll the democratic candidates ALL beat the President.  None the less with people like Patty you can hear her now saying “What a shame it is that the democrats are causing all this trouble.

I got up at four thirty to go down and get coffee in the dining room.  Today they were back doing coffee.  I made it there by a quarter to five.  I had two cups then and one more cup an hour or so later.  Joe was playing guitar music during the morning but then left.  I turned on the hearings.  Breakfast featured Rice Krispies and scrambled eggs and a crescent with butter and jelly.  I had one more cup of coffee.  I saw Moocher cat outside.  He follows Phyllis wherever she goes.  They are still doing the hearings and I’ll listen to that now.   It must be stated that Vladimir Putin was the source of all of this “Ukraine supported Hillary in 2016” charges.  There is no factual support for this except the words of Putin, which takes the heat off of Russia itself.  There were rumors that Trump was about to throw Giuliani under the bus soon and disown his meetings with Russia on Trump’s behalf.  Giuliani has to report on last week’s visit to Ukraine. 

The Sixty Minute first segment was a crazy mad scientist thing on DNA research. The whole thing seemed unreal.  If we are really that advanced then nothing is impossible, even bring back extinct species or reversing the ravages of aging or immunity from ALL virus in future generations.  The second segment was on a city built by the Palestinians.  But Netanyahoo didn’t want to turn on the water at first.  If you’re Palestinian, you have to learn to crawl to the Israelis.  This has to be humiliating but they’re lucky to get ANY support at all from Netanyahoo.  Then it was “God Friended Me”.   The question is how much you’re willing to “sacrifice to the cause”.  Do you dedicate your whole life to the cause and sacrifice your private love life just because “The God account” wants you to?   Just as a generic reference, you “sacrifice” to maintain things you love.  But who says that I “Love” God?   There was no reference to loving God in my latest blog.   Doing favors is wonderful and Miles has performed valuable services.  But I would only remark that, “Is God so short handed that he only gets a willing servant every five years?” 

The following two paragraphs were typed Friday December 6th.
Paul talked about Jesus presenting the atoning blood to God in heaven as to why Mary couldn’t touch him.  Chuck has another theory.  They were doing “swamp watch” while I was on the phone.  On Days of our Lives, J J pulled a gun in Christin right in the church and she was preparing to renew her vows to be a nun.  Lani prayed for a sign from God and she got one.  Elijah showed up right in the same room, for her to confess to.  If she confesses, Gabriel’s world will fall apart overnight, not to mention their romance.  

This is after dinner and it had almost stopped raining.  They finally have lights on the Christmas tree.  They are starting to put up decorations inside and every table has a Christmas tree.  They’re actually quite late this year.  The guitar music is still playing.  We had grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches with a cucumber and onion salad.  We had tapioca pudding for dessert.  I’ll rename this file when I’m convinced Word won’t flip-out entirely.   I need to go to the store for cigarettes.  I’m out because I smokes so many in the morning. 

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Playing by the Rules

Some people may wonder "What does God require of me?"   The answer is most likely "nothing".   I would cite exhibit A as our esteemed President.  He has transgressed God's laws with carefree abandon and hasn't suffered any of the consequences.   It's just wishful thinking.  That is, since the future is pre-determined in advance, you have no choice as to what will be the outcome.   I don't think John Lennon had a choice as to whether he was shot at the Dakota.  But I will say this.  I believe there is a minority of people to whom God does offer a choice.  And my saying is, "If God offers you a choice, take it".   If you do A good things will happen whereas if you do B bad things will happen" most people would call this "Making you an offer you can't refuse".   And the thing is you can't sacrifice a bull or a sheep or something in the Altar and "Put the transgression under the blood".   That won't work.   Confessing your sins to a priest won't work.  It's not a question of doing pennance or even "making it right" to whom you sinned against.  It's the mere comission of the Act that God told you not to do, that is the problem.  Neil Savedra has said as much that "We all have to suffer the consequences of our sins".   But thank goodness it isn't all transgression but only those transgressions God personally told you not to do.  There is another saying that I heard yesterday.  When you plant "seeds" of either good or bad, it isn't necessary to have "expectation" of either good or bad happening.  It will happen regardless.  The opperative factor is whether you "planted the seed".   We discuss this more a couple of paragraphs down.  

This is Sunday December 8, 2019, the day John Lennon was shot in 1980.   They were playing a lot of acoustic guitar songs such as “You Got to Hide Your Love Away” and “It’s Only Love”.   They did the “naked” version of “Across the Universe”, which I have it from the horse’s mouth is John’s favorite.  I continue to battle tiredness and could use some GNLD vitamin products for Christmas.  I don’t even know if Judy is selling that stuff any more or whether she even has access to it.  Word continues to act strange.  Actually I’d like to download Word 2007 and get rid of a lot of the strange behavior of this Word version.   We had tarragon chicken cut up into pieces and wedge cut potatoes and yellow squash.  We had white cake for dessert and for the millionth time it wasn’t iced.  In the morning I watched some of Oklahoma and Baylor.  It turns out Oklahoma won that game.  I had Leo Laporte on sporadically.  The afternoon game was Cincinatti and Memphis and I forget who won that one.  These same two teams had played before on ABC.   We weren’t supposed to have rain on Friday but we did.  We were supposed to have had rain on Saturday but we didn’t, and we had rain early this morning.   Now Word for the first time was typing off screen.  I had the Giz Wiz on at a quarter to two. 

There it goes again typing off screen.  I had KPFK on hoping to get Rhapsody in Black because I forgot to tune it in last week.  It was a Masters degree graduate from MIT who is an expert on programming code.  There is no disputing that.  To say that the cause of all of our failures in life is programming code in the brain is wrong.  He’s confusing engrams with karma.  If you change your karma you’ll change your destiny.  But it has to be done in the past tense because you carry the past legacy of karma with you, if you didn’t know that.  And you can’t just “put it under the blood” like you can under the Jewish sacrifice system.   They had transgress offerings you could do that with, but you can’t do it with Christianity and the book of Hebrews as much as tells you so.  I went out after two wanting to get a snack.  I saw a bunch of people crowded around the cart trying to get pieces of pumpkin pie and I said I wanted one. I had transgressed Millie’s rights because she was in line and I had to let her have the last piece.  Right here this incident illustrates what’s wrong with that computer guy’s mentality.  It wasn’t out of any feeling that “I don’t deserve it” as to why I didn’t get that pumpkin pie.  It was quite the opposite.  As to the guy’s assertion that “all you have to do is to go 3 D” is also quite false.  If you go 3 D in chess (assuming you could defy gravity) it would be called cheating, if you’re not playing 3 D chess.  Lines and boundaries are important in “playing by the rules” and if you transgress the wrong lines Alcyonne will get on your case, and there is no transgress offering you can use to bail you out.  You can’t get out of the pool while playing Marco Polo and you can’t run out of bounds in football and then reenter the field to catch a pass.  This guy needs to go back to school regardless of what he may know about math and programming.  I was going to do a thing on math the other day but I doubt that it will be on our next blog post.  

We had pulled pork for dinner and I had two helpings and also two helping of those - - waffle sweet tater tots - - whatever.  We had unadorned fruit cocktail for dessert.   Paul called in the afternoon about that Christian concert in Mission Viejo last night at seven thirty.  It would take over a half hour each way and I already felt tired.  I’ve been fighting this Epstein Barr virus thing.  I’m just guessing.  If it were “doable” I would have gone to the concert but I knew my body and how tired I am in the evenings.  At the time Paul was scheduled to pick me up I was sound asleep.  But I roused.   It was Clemson beating Virginia in the evening game on ABC.  Ohio State got a scare from Wisconsin but they ended up scoring big in the second half in a game not televised.  I saw a little of LSU beating Georgia.  At a quarter after seven I turned it to that Chicago PD show on KCOP.  By eight I was zonked out but I had “Major Crimes” on.  I went to bed at five to nine.   I hope Paul ran into people at the concert he could talk to.

In the morning I got up just after four thirty and took a shower.  For the first time in about two weeks they didn’t have any coffee being served in the dining room.  Fortunately I still had instant coffee of my own.  This thing is typing off screen again.  Add that to the list of problems with this program.   We had rain in the morning but the sun is trying to come out now as “Rain” is just finishing up.  I had KNX radio on a little and then switched to KNBC.  We had cold cereal for breakfast.  It was Rice Krispies.  We had two pieces of French toast and a big slice of ham and coffee.  Ted Cruz was on Meet the Press.  I hate to say it but I don’t think Chuck Todd handled Ted very well because the other side might say “you weren’t relevant in your questions and responses”.   Mitch Mc Connell has roped off the whole month of January 2020 for the hearings.  Previously I had heard two weeks.  Now I’m hearing six weeks as the figure.